Thursday, February 21, 2008

Idol Eliminations

Wow- Garrett, the chipmunk singing guy that looks tlike the Crazy guy from "The Warriors" was sent packing straight away. No build-up, no phony dramatic pauses- Just "I gotta say goodbye tonight." What a refreshing thing to see. But I think it scared the hell out of the others on the stage. They aren'tsure what to expect. There were worse performers (Danny, Chakezie, Jason), but Garrett made the mistake of being boring before people got to know who he was.

The girls had an uphill battle trying to sing while battling the flu and Bronchitis and trying to be more feminine than some of the guys (Danny,Garrett, Colton). So it is hardly fair for them and I am sure some of these whiney little princesses (not you Danny) will tell us how unfair it is.

Amy Davis, one of my picks to go home, is sent packing. She did stink it up last night. Garrett sang better tonight than he did on Tuesday. I can't say the same about Amy- please fade to commercial.

Now we get to see a Paula Abdul video. It didn't suck and reminds us that before paula was a joke she was actually quite a video diva. Quite the dancer, too. Back to the show.

Amanda and Diane are put on the chopping block. I picked Diane before but I could just as easily see psuedo rocker chick go too. Oh, come to find out her name is JoAnn, not Diane- and she is leaving. And Simon Cowell likes Coke-a-cola.

My two picks for the girls were right on the mark. I didn't really pick two guys to gobut Garrett wasn't a surprise.

The last one to leave tonight. Between Colton and Chubacca, the Ellen Degeneres look alike. How sad. Maybe Ellen should have him on her show and give him ten thousand dollars worth of equipment like she did Josiah.

Without Colton around- one question remains- who will Simon pick on now?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When this season ended at Hollywood week I really thougth that it may be the best season yet but after 60's week I'm rethinking that. Maybe it was because it was all 60's songs that made most of them look awkard and sound terrible. Let's hope this week everyone improves.

I also had both of the girls picked but instead of Colton for the guys I had Chikezi going home.