Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Idol results show-

They can sing --- but can they dance? With the exception of Syesha- NO!!

But "Ain't no stoppin' (them) Now.

David H was in the audience. They should bring him back to coach the other two Davids on dance moves- that would make a finale for sure.

They are going to drag this out for a whole hour? Really?

Pardon me if I flip channels- Verdict with Dan Abrams is talking about Edwards endorsing Obama - Oh Ford commercial- David A sings "I've been locked up far too long" ( priceless) from the song "Heaven"

Recap of performances- reminding us how full of themselves the judges are- they all loved their own picks.

Fantasia is singing now- reminding me of how completely unattractive she is - commercial un MSNBC- She is screaming a lot and I can't understand a word she is singing. For those who pay attention she has died her hair red. Commercial.

Back to MSNBC - they are talking about the Mississippi congress seat won from the Republicans last night. Discussion ensues about how weak the Republican hand is for the fall and how the Rev Wright and race issues are dead (that won't stop them).

Back to Idol- 20 minutes in. David A takes the stage first- we get to see his Utah homecoming.
he cried because of the huge crowds- if he wins this thing the crowds and popularity will rip him apart. Does the world need another Donny Osmond?

Then we see David's journey from the beginning.

Ad for "Ironman." If you haven't seen it, do.

Syesha is next to take the stage. Then we see her trip home to Sarasota Fl.
This is not as fun to watch- less crying, less people grabbing at her, etc. Crowds are smaller.
And a montage of her trip from the beginning.

MSNBC is discussing Clinton as VP and whether it will/shouldhappen. There are lots of reasons why I think that is a bad idea. Abrams has challenged Obama supporters to explain why Hillary Clinton should not be offered the VP spot. ( He is under the impression that the only reason she will not be asked is because they don't like her.) I say that's a good first reason.

David Cook takes the stage. My guess is that for his trip to Kansas City is there will be a lot less crying. David explains how he did not intentionally audition but was supporting his little bro., Andrew. That's kind of neat I guess, unless you are his little bro.

The guy is smooth- I just find him quite homely. He is singing on stage and they show a clip of his bro (Andrew) singing in the crowd.

I was wrong- the tears are flowing- How sentimental!

Judge comments on the songs from last night and the recap of his journey.

The three take the stage- must be time for a commercial.

Randy congratulates the all- Paula tells them great things are to come and something about creating moments and the world will watch- Simon says the final will be a hum-dinger next week.

David A and David Cook will be in the final. Gee- no one saw that coming.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

American Idol- Top 3

Simon says David C wins the night. I disagree. Pure and simple, I don't like this guy. He mumbles. I am fairly certian, based on tonight, that he does not really want to win.

The only thing that saves Cook is that Syesha was worse without trying. She clearly wants to win but she has missed one key opportunity. The only female left could have played up the sex appeal and she missed the boat, even while singing "Fever", a perfect song for the strategy.

Archie was the best of the night but he has definite limitations. Kid can't dance and sounds better when you close your eyes.

By the numbers Archie with 11, Cook with 9.6 and Syesha with 8.7.

Syesha will likely go home.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Idol Results- if anyone is paying attention tonight

51 million votes cast- one million votes separate the top three. Jason must have gotten much fewer.

Recaps remind us of the disaster that was last night.

Archuletta is out first. Predictably safe.

Much filler with Idols seeing Circ de sole' "All You Need is Love"

David Cooke takes the stage so he undoubtedly will be safe. Wow surprise, he is safe.

Jason and Syesha take the stage together. Then they go to a break.

Then Ford commercial and phone calls. (This fluff has got to be eliminated next year.)

Maroon Five takes the stage to sing. I am thinking about a point which is pronbably obvious, but I am really bored and checked out for the season. This results show is an hour-long commercail for Coke, Ford, Sony, Fox TV and I-tunes.

They could spend five minutes telling us Jason is going home, instead we get an hour of crap.

Bo Bice sings a souhern rock song from his new album- it didn't impress me. Then he gave advice to the idols- to practice (too bad Jason didn't hear that one sooner). Then a commercial.

Finally the judge comments for Jason and Syesha. Jason says someone told him he shot the tamborine man. He thought it was funny.

Jason is going home- Duh!!!

Whne asked if he was relieved he said , "A little, they have to do three songs next week. I don't know what I would have done.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Idol - Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Night.

Could have been a great night. Each of the contestants chose songs that ft their stage personas.

Unfortunately, Jason has obviously checked out. He should go home. He scored a 4 out of a possible 12- the lowest score possible.

David Cook was also a big disappointment. If the stoner vote keep Jason around David is in real trouble. He scored 8.5.

As I said last week, Syesha could win this thing. She took the advise of ALW to heart and has given rock solid performances each and every time she has taken the stage. Her "Change Gonna Come" was her best performance of the season. Her overall score was 10 of 12.

David A gave two solid performances. I felt the judges were a bit generous for his 'Stand by Me' but he made up for it with a "Love Me Tender' that he could have done acapella. His overall score was 11 of twelve.

Jason was so bad, including a completely flat ' I shot the Sherif ' and forgetting the words to "Tamborine Man" (how is that even possible? My guess is this guy wants to go home.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Just listened to David Cook's "I'm Alive" studio version.

His voice is more relaxed at the beginning. I still think this guy comes across as a 'one-trick pony', which happens to be my gripe about the other two guys as well. Cook probably has the greatest capacity to overcome that - see "music of the night"- but he continually chooses not to do so. He had the perfect opportunity to do something different with 'AIRNIY' and went for the voice grinding rock version again.

"I'm Alive" was probably the best performance of the night but it ended up being overshadowed by style when he did the same style for the second song. If Cook continues to do the constipated rocker thing, and Archuletta continues to do the smarmy cute kid telle tubbie thing, and Jason continues to do his laid back stoner with a guitar thing- Syesha need only continue to act the part of each song (stunning advice from ALW, btw, as to how it has transformed her) and she is poised now to win it all.