Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Idol Results- if anyone is paying attention tonight

51 million votes cast- one million votes separate the top three. Jason must have gotten much fewer.

Recaps remind us of the disaster that was last night.

Archuletta is out first. Predictably safe.

Much filler with Idols seeing Circ de sole' "All You Need is Love"

David Cooke takes the stage so he undoubtedly will be safe. Wow surprise, he is safe.

Jason and Syesha take the stage together. Then they go to a break.

Then Ford commercial and phone calls. (This fluff has got to be eliminated next year.)

Maroon Five takes the stage to sing. I am thinking about a point which is pronbably obvious, but I am really bored and checked out for the season. This results show is an hour-long commercail for Coke, Ford, Sony, Fox TV and I-tunes.

They could spend five minutes telling us Jason is going home, instead we get an hour of crap.

Bo Bice sings a souhern rock song from his new album- it didn't impress me. Then he gave advice to the idols- to practice (too bad Jason didn't hear that one sooner). Then a commercial.

Finally the judge comments for Jason and Syesha. Jason says someone told him he shot the tamborine man. He thought it was funny.

Jason is going home- Duh!!!

Whne asked if he was relieved he said , "A little, they have to do three songs next week. I don't know what I would have done.

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