Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Idol results-

Show kicks off with a plug for their song-writing competition. Next comes the brady-bunch style song montage. They only thing they were missing were the white bell-bottom jump suits. Lengthy explanation of iTunes downloads with a note that the itunes versions are full -length.Announcement that Dolly Parton will be mentor next week.The contestants were called out in this order: Chikeze, Brooke, Carly, -break for Ford commercial- David A, David C., Syesha, Michael, - break for commercial and for nonsense such as pre-recorded phone-in questions, Kimberly Locke performs and finally an extended ad for 'Idol Gives Back 2'- Ramiele, Jason and Kristy came out on stage together. Sofa (safe): Brooke, Carly, Davids A and C, Michael, Ramiele, KristyStools (Bottom three): Chikeze, Syesha, Jason . By the numbers Ramiele should have gone home. Jason is safe (birthday). Chikeze and Syesha were equal in the rankings. Chikeze is going home after getting a lecture from Simon about song choice.On to next week.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Idol Top Ten-

I am so bored with this season. Here are the rankings: David C, David A., Syesha, and Michaek with 10, Kristy with 9, Chikeze, Brooke, Karly with 8, Jason with 7 and Ramiele with 5.

These scores don't reflect how dreadful I thought the show was tonight. I think Ramiele, Brooke and Karly are in trouble. I personally hated David C, Kristy and Michael.

Any of htem could leave after tonight and I wouldn't care- But I would spare Jason for one more week, It is his Birthday after all.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Idol results show-

Starts off with the fantastic news that Neil Diamond will be a mentor on an up-coming show.
That will be one to watch- although I can't say I am overly optimistic about what these singers would do with his stuff.

Top Ten are: Brooke, David A., Michael, David C., Jason, Ramiele, Syesha, Chikeze, Carly, Kristy

Bottom Three: Carly, Kristy, Amanda

Going Home: Amanda

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Idol -kinda boring tonight.

from top to bottom- David A 12, Chikeze 11, Syesha 10, Jason Castro 9, Carly 9, David C. 9, Brooke 6, Amanda 6, Ramiele 5, Michael 5, Kristi 4.

Kristi or Ramiele should go. On a side note, I have it on very good authority- namely a friend who did mission work in Honduras- that 'Archuletta' means 'pork chop.' I thought that was a fun fact.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Idol Results Show-

So we start out the show with a movie plug from Jim Carey. And didn't these group medley numbers used to be good?

I am curious as heck to see how they are going to fill a whole hour to eliminate one person. And I am annoyed that, If I heard Ryan Seacrest correctly, they are going to do anothe rweek of the Lennon/McCartney songbook. That will be an interesting thing since I read somewhere that there were only about 25 songs made availabel for the show. This probably means another week of b-side tracks.

First set of four- Carly, Michael, Jason and Syesha are the first four to stand. (Syesha could be in bottom three) Yep- Simon parts with the other two judges when he says she deserves to be in bottom three. She wasn't in mine, but I wouldn't quibble. I do not think she deserves to go home.

Syesha sings now- so I guess we will get to hear them sing before the bad news. That pattern makes a bit more sense to me.

Ford commercial was dreadful- The contestants got to see 'Horton hears a Who'- and we got to hear about it.

Second set of four- Chikezie, Amanda, Kristi and David C (should be Kristi)/ yep- she even asked for the Microphone before her name was called. She gets to sing.

Ryan asked her if she thought he was going home tonight. She said she hoped not, but didn't answer the question- smart move. If she doesn't think so at this point she (with the possible exception of David A.) is the only one.

Why do these people always sing better on the second night when it is too late to make a difference? No, she was not that much better.

The phone in questions were lame, except that Jason said that of the three judges he would like to be Paula for a day- Probably wants to get ahold of her drugs.

Kat McPhee sings- backed on piano with David Foster- not sure why, except to fill time-

Last four- David H, David A, Brooke and Ramiele. (both David A and Ramiele deserve this based on last night- If it is David A, he could go home- I am sticking with Ramiele) David A is safe, Brooke is safe, Ramiele is safe- David H is in bottom three. And hearing him sing, I can see why.
I think he deserves another week.

Bottom Three- Syesha, Kristi and David H. Syesha is safe. David H is going home.
I do not think he would have won, but it was the wrong choice for this week.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Idol Final 12 in Bazarro World-

These are the rankings- Chikeze 12, Carly and Brooke with 10, Jason, David C, Amanda with 9, Michael, David H. and Syesha with 8, Ramiele with 7, David A with 6 and Kristi with 4.

Bottom three by my numbers are David A, Ramiele and Kristi- I think, based on total performances to date I would send Ramiele home- but it is anybody's guess.

It was a strange night- Chikeze went early on and was the hit of the night.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Top Twelve-

David C, David A, Jason C, David H, Michael, Chikese
Brooke, Syesha, Ramielle, Carly, Amanda, Kristy

Going Home are: Kadi Malloy, Luke Menard, Danny Noriega and Asiah

Ramielle got picked over Asiah. Close call but no big deal either way.

I still say that if your name is David you will be around a while in this competition. I think folks shouldn't underestimate Jason either. He is stronger each week which is a good place to be in.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Idol Girls-week three

The judges were fawning in their praise tonight (which makes these scores higher than they should be) but for my money it was quite unjustified.
None of the women stood out tonight for good or ill- they just were very unimpressive. Simon got that right at least. The guys were stronger this week.

Rankings- Amanda, Kristi and Brooke with 10, Asiah, Carly and Syesha with 9, and Kadi with 8 and Ramiele with 7 are the bottom two. I will stick with these scores for my choices to leave but in reality I wouldn't bet the farm on any of them.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Idol Guys- week three- on to final twelve

It was an interesting week off of the Idol Stage- David H. was outed as a gay stripper- if anyone cares. However, if he keeps bringing on solid performances like tonight's I find it difficult to believe that anyone will care.

By the numbers, according to my convoluded methodology which has not failed me yet:

David A, David H, Jason Castro are the strongest bets with 11 pts each. David Cook with 10- the judges loved this- I felt strongly too, but in a different way. Quite possibly this song worked better in person than it did on TV. Michael Johns and Chikeze with 9 pts. Luke with 8 and Danny with 7 should be the ones to go home. Unfortunately I think Chikeze, Michael and even David C are vulnerable tonight.

My guess for the top six would be David A and David H, Jason (for sure) as well as Chikeze, Michael and Luke. Danny and David C are most likely to go home- in my opinion.