Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Idol Results Show-

So we start out the show with a movie plug from Jim Carey. And didn't these group medley numbers used to be good?

I am curious as heck to see how they are going to fill a whole hour to eliminate one person. And I am annoyed that, If I heard Ryan Seacrest correctly, they are going to do anothe rweek of the Lennon/McCartney songbook. That will be an interesting thing since I read somewhere that there were only about 25 songs made availabel for the show. This probably means another week of b-side tracks.

First set of four- Carly, Michael, Jason and Syesha are the first four to stand. (Syesha could be in bottom three) Yep- Simon parts with the other two judges when he says she deserves to be in bottom three. She wasn't in mine, but I wouldn't quibble. I do not think she deserves to go home.

Syesha sings now- so I guess we will get to hear them sing before the bad news. That pattern makes a bit more sense to me.

Ford commercial was dreadful- The contestants got to see 'Horton hears a Who'- and we got to hear about it.

Second set of four- Chikezie, Amanda, Kristi and David C (should be Kristi)/ yep- she even asked for the Microphone before her name was called. She gets to sing.

Ryan asked her if she thought he was going home tonight. She said she hoped not, but didn't answer the question- smart move. If she doesn't think so at this point she (with the possible exception of David A.) is the only one.

Why do these people always sing better on the second night when it is too late to make a difference? No, she was not that much better.

The phone in questions were lame, except that Jason said that of the three judges he would like to be Paula for a day- Probably wants to get ahold of her drugs.

Kat McPhee sings- backed on piano with David Foster- not sure why, except to fill time-

Last four- David H, David A, Brooke and Ramiele. (both David A and Ramiele deserve this based on last night- If it is David A, he could go home- I am sticking with Ramiele) David A is safe, Brooke is safe, Ramiele is safe- David H is in bottom three. And hearing him sing, I can see why.
I think he deserves another week.

Bottom Three- Syesha, Kristi and David H. Syesha is safe. David H is going home.
I do not think he would have won, but it was the wrong choice for this week.

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