Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Idol results show-

They can sing --- but can they dance? With the exception of Syesha- NO!!

But "Ain't no stoppin' (them) Now.

David H was in the audience. They should bring him back to coach the other two Davids on dance moves- that would make a finale for sure.

They are going to drag this out for a whole hour? Really?

Pardon me if I flip channels- Verdict with Dan Abrams is talking about Edwards endorsing Obama - Oh Ford commercial- David A sings "I've been locked up far too long" ( priceless) from the song "Heaven"

Recap of performances- reminding us how full of themselves the judges are- they all loved their own picks.

Fantasia is singing now- reminding me of how completely unattractive she is - commercial un MSNBC- She is screaming a lot and I can't understand a word she is singing. For those who pay attention she has died her hair red. Commercial.

Back to MSNBC - they are talking about the Mississippi congress seat won from the Republicans last night. Discussion ensues about how weak the Republican hand is for the fall and how the Rev Wright and race issues are dead (that won't stop them).

Back to Idol- 20 minutes in. David A takes the stage first- we get to see his Utah homecoming.
he cried because of the huge crowds- if he wins this thing the crowds and popularity will rip him apart. Does the world need another Donny Osmond?

Then we see David's journey from the beginning.

Ad for "Ironman." If you haven't seen it, do.

Syesha is next to take the stage. Then we see her trip home to Sarasota Fl.
This is not as fun to watch- less crying, less people grabbing at her, etc. Crowds are smaller.
And a montage of her trip from the beginning.

MSNBC is discussing Clinton as VP and whether it will/shouldhappen. There are lots of reasons why I think that is a bad idea. Abrams has challenged Obama supporters to explain why Hillary Clinton should not be offered the VP spot. ( He is under the impression that the only reason she will not be asked is because they don't like her.) I say that's a good first reason.

David Cook takes the stage. My guess is that for his trip to Kansas City is there will be a lot less crying. David explains how he did not intentionally audition but was supporting his little bro., Andrew. That's kind of neat I guess, unless you are his little bro.

The guy is smooth- I just find him quite homely. He is singing on stage and they show a clip of his bro (Andrew) singing in the crowd.

I was wrong- the tears are flowing- How sentimental!

Judge comments on the songs from last night and the recap of his journey.

The three take the stage- must be time for a commercial.

Randy congratulates the all- Paula tells them great things are to come and something about creating moments and the world will watch- Simon says the final will be a hum-dinger next week.

David A and David Cook will be in the final. Gee- no one saw that coming.


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